It's 'Halloween' and it's time to have fun watching scary video stuff.
Some people may see 'Halloween' as based on a pagan ritual that glorifies witches and demons but this blogger does not see it that way.
It is too much malice that we put into our mind that makes other people think it is not good since it is 'devilish.'
Having great faith in Jesus Christ as our Redeemer and Savior make us protected from anything evil. The bottom line is 'so long as we do not do anything against God's commandments and against Christ's teachings.'
We should look 'Halloween' as fun and enjoyable and as something that makes us more confident and strong in our faith with nothing, yes nothing whatsoever, to worry about as long as we know that Jesus Christ is with us and that we believe that God's angels are there to protect us.
We have absolutely nothing to fear as long as we live in Christ, and Christ is in us, that Christ's teachings of love and living in truth will abound.
On the contrary, fun and enjoyment can bring about laughter which 'heals.' And many say 'laughter is the best medicine.'
If it is there to harm or done with malice, and with lack of consideration for the safety of others, then that is another story.
We would not want anybody to get hurt before we try to do scary or funny stuff do we?
Have fun, be responsible and do things safe. This should keep you healthy too.
May we be strengthened and further guided in Proverbs 21:30, "There is no wisdom, no insight, no plan that can succeed against the Lord."
Use 'Halloween' to glorify God to enjoy God's gift of life with family, friends and neighbors.
Remember, evil cowers in fear as we pray 'in the Almighty and Holy name of Christ Jesus.' Godspeed.

Have fun on 'Halloween' with this scary treat on video.