Pinoy Blogger (PB) comments on above link from fighthype:
"This is going to be a great fight.
Floyd's team and fans will be wanting to see this too, to check on Manny Pacquiao's vulnerability as against Mayweather Jr.
To note, Shane nearly floored Floyd on 3rd but suddenly changed stance in the succeeding rounds - very surprising to many."
PB doubts Floyd's eagerness to fight Manny as the former has been very elusive on plans of a possible fight with boxing's P4P King, especially now that he has collected 8 titles to his name in a remarkable fashion that even the doubting Thomases before have learned to respect and acknowledge Pacquiao's unbelievable rise to fame not only in boxing but also in politics at home.
His humble and gentlemanly conduct further increase his following worldwide as against the staccato rhythm from Floyd's most effective arsenal of words that only his powerful jabs can match.
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